Camp of the Cross History
In the early 1950s, while Lake Sakakawea was being created by the Garrison Dam on the Missouri River, a group of progressive minded Lutherans began looking for a spot to place a new Bible Camp on the shores of the future reservoir. These visionary people decided on the site for Camp of the Cross using only elevation marks to tell them where the water would be when the dam was completed. Upon completion of the dam in 1955, a corporation was formed and nearly 100 acres were leased from the Corps of Engineers. The lease was a 25-year renewable at a payment of $1. The Camp purchased the Corps building that had been used for housing and feeding workers who built the dam. The buildings were trucked the 70 miles around the east end of the lake to their present location.
In the 1990s, Camp of the Cross began to bloom with a renewed fire in outdoor ministry. Camp of the Cross conducted its first capital campaign to build new facilities. The mid 1990's saw Camp of the Cross expand into a year-round facility for children and adults. In 1998, the centrally located comfort station and six hill cabins along a ridge looking over Lake Sakakawea were built. The late 1990's and the early 2000's saw the demolition of the old Corp of Engineers' Dorm and the completion of two new triple cabins.
In the 2000’s, Camp of the Cross added a beautiful 11 room retreat center. During the late winter and spring of 2012, the Camp of the Cross Board and staff completed preliminary planning for the development of a new multi-purpose facility to replace the deteriorating and inadequate dining and kitchen facility. A capital campaign feasibility study was conducted among Camp of the Cross constituents as a part of this study and indicated strong support for funding of this proposed development. In May of 2012, at a special meeting of the Camp of the Cross Association approval was given to proceed with a capital campaign to fund construction of a new multi-purpose building.
With our new Fellowship Center, CCM continues to be a year-round ministry with children, youth and adults attending retreats and camp all year round. Camp employs 6 year-round staff, 3 part-time staff and 30 seasonal staff.
We look forward to the next season of Camp of the Cross!