“I love going to Camp of the Cross every year. It is just so much fun that I can’t get enough. To me, just once a summer isn’t enough of Camp of the Cross.”
What’s special about Camp of the Cross?
We've been creating spaces and experiences for people to connect with God for over 60 years, supported by a constituency of 70+ Lutheran and UCC congregations in North Dakota.
Whether it's a week of summer camp or the weekend of a retreat, at Camp of the Cross you'll feel God's presence and be energized in your faith.
Our Four Promises
We create holy space centered on Christ. Whether at Camp or off-site, we foster an environment centered on Christ.
We are family. From first-time campers, to retreaters, to long-time donors—everyone is part of the CCM Family. #ccmfamily
We share a message of grace. You're safe to be yourself, experience your faith out loud, and grow as a person.
God's Call
We help people hear God's call in their lives—for "lives of faith." Bring your energized faith back into your everyday life.

2024-2025 Retreat Season Information
Camping With Christ Happens Year-round!
Even though the summer is over, the fun doesn’t stop out here at Camp! We have lots of retreats from now until May that people of all ages can participate in! Join our youth bashes, crafting retreats, men’s and women’s retreats, and more! Don’t have what you looking for? We have lots of outside groups and constituent congregations that use our facility as well; contact us and book today!
Summer 2025
“The word of God is near to you - on your lips and in your hearts.”
Daily themes include:
God’s Word Comes Near in Trusting, God’s Word Comes Near in Blessing, God’s Word Comes Near in Listening, God’s Word Comes Near in Serving, and God’s Word Comes Near in Following.
Think about the last time you heard a great story. Did it make you laugh? Bring a tear to your eye? Evoke joy or anger, love or sadness? Each story, and every part of our lives, is shaped by words—spoken, heard, and read. The greatest story, though, is that of God’s salvation for all of creation. In the beginning God spoke words to create light and life. God’s Word came alive in Jesus Christ, the Savior. We read God’s word in scripture. The many ways we understand “Word” are at the heart of the theme for the week, as we emphasize the importance of God’s word that comes near.
Through exploration of Bible stories throughout the week, we will discover ways God’s word comes near to us. This happens as we ground ourselves in the salvation story that God, in Christ Jesus, has saved the whole world; hear how God’s story is intricately woven into each of our own stories through Jesus; discover how God can use our shared story to create love and justice in the world.
Immersed in God’s word in scripture, we find that God’s word came near to our ancestors in faith and that God’s word comes near to us even now, as we learn to see our neighbors as beloved children of God, that even though we are imperfect, God loves and blesses us, that God will stop at nothing to show God’s love for us and the whole world.
Register Now for Your Week at Camp!

“This is a place where worship requires no walls and the freedom of nature and its glory created by the Lord our God is shown to all and appreciated through his grace.”
“Like a breath of fresh air. You come and all your cares go away.”
Your Gift Will Last For Generations
Thank you to everyone who has helped us get this far! We have other projects to finish! Will you help us?
This is the next generation of ministry at Camp of the Cross. Now that we have finished the Fellowship Center we continue to invest in our Retreat Center, Row Cabins, and other facilities and projects. Willk